Annual Compliance for OPC Company

Every Company required to follow legal Compliance as per Company law like reporting of financial results, reporting of changes in management, maintenance of statuary registers, auditing of accounts etc.

Managing the day to day operations of your business along with complying the corporate laws can be little taxing for any entrepreneur. Hence, it is necessary to take help of a professionals who can understand legal requirements to ensure timely reporting of compliances to Registrar, without any levy of interest or penalty.

We at Law proctor will provide you a complete guidance on all the compliances applicable to your company with our experienced professional team driven by Chartered Accountants, Company secretaries, Lawyers and Influencers, who have vast experiences into the respective fields.

We have elaborated Annual Compliance for OPC Company:

Mandatory Annual Compliance for OPC Company
Annual Compliance for OPC Company includes various form which are required to file with MCA.

Mandatory Compliances

Description and Timeline

First Board Meeting

First Meeting of Board of Directors is required to be held within 30 days of Incorporation of Company. Notice of Board Meeting must be send to every director at least 7 days before the meeting.

Subsequent Board Meetings

Minimum 4 Board Meetings to be held every year with not more than 120 days gap between two meetings.

Filing of Disclosure of interest by Directors (MBP-1)

Every director at:

  • First meeting in which he participates as director; or

  • First meeting of Board in every FY; or

  • Whenever there is change in disclosures Shall disclose in Form MBP-1 (along with list of relatives and concern of relatives in the Company as per RPT definition), his concern or interest in any company, body corporate, firm or other association of individuals (including shareholding interest).

Form MBP?1 shall be kept in the records of the company.

First Auditor

The BOD shall appoint the auditor in first AGM of company who shall hold the office till the conclusion of 6th AGM and shall inform the same to ROC by filing ADT-1. The responsibility to file Form ADT 1 is that of the company and not of the auditor within 15 days from the date of appointment of auditors.

Annual General Meeting

OPC Company is required to hold an Annual General Meeting on or before 30th September every year during business hours (9 am to 6pm), on a day that is not a public holiday and either at the registered office of the Company or within the city, town or village where the registered office is situated. A 21 clear days’ notice is required to be given for the same.

Filing of Financial Statements (Form AOC-4)

One Person Company is required to file its Director Report, Balance Sheet along with statement of Profit and Loss Account in AOC-04 form within 30 days of holding of Annual General Meeting.

Filing of Annual Return (Form MGT-7)

All Company is required to file its Annual Return in MGT-07 within 60 days of holding of Annual General Meeting. Annual Return will be for the period 1st April to 31st March.

Filing of Form DIR-3 KYC

Directors of the Company are required to get their KYCs done before 30th June of every financial year.

Filing of Form DPT-3 (Return of Deposits)

All the Company other than Government Company having any outstanding loan/amount as on 31st March of every financial year has to furnish details and bifurcation of such outstanding amount irrespective of the fact whether such amount is falling under the definition of deposit or not.

Filing of Form INC-22A

company registered on or before 31st December 2017 to tag the company as ACTIVE- (Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification.

Filing of form MSME Form I

All the companies who get their supplies of goods or services from micro and small enterprises and whose payments to micro and small enterprises exceeded 45 days from the date of acceptance of the goods or services shall submit a half yearly return to the MCA

  • For April to September by 31st October

  • For October to March by 30th April

Filing of Commencement of Business Certificate (Form 20A)

company is required to file e Form INC 20A with Registrar of Companies within 180 days of its Incorporation for commencement of its business.

Documents for Annual Compliance for OPC Company

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