One Person Company Registration

One Person Company Registration is new concept in india. One Person Company Registration is blessing for entrepreneurs who on their own are capable of starting a business. There can be only one, natural person resident of India who can be the member of OPC Registration. As the name itself suggests it is a company which is owned by one single person. However, a nominee needs to be nominated in OPC Registration. OPC Registration can be formed with Minimum two Directors and maximum 15 directors. One Person Company Registration offers various benefits as compare to private limited in terms of filing of Compliances.

A Person who registers one Person Company, is not eligible to register more than OPC.

If you are the independent entrepreneur types and want to register your business without involving any other person, then choosing One Person Company Registration will be the right thing to do.

Documents for One Person Company Registration

  • Identity Proof of Directors and Shareholders
  • Address Proof of Directors and Shareholders
  • Proof of Registered office

COMPARE OPTIONS FOR One Person Company Registration

Private Limited Company Rs. 2999/- Growing Startups Yes High Compulsory Yes Yes
LLP Registration Rs. 3999/- Service Providers, Professional Service Firms, Trading Business Yes Low Only if contribution more than Rs. 25 lakhs or turnover exceeds Rs. 40 Lakhs Yes Yes
One Person Company Registration Rs. 2999/- Independent Promoters Yes High Compulsory Yes Yes
Partnership Firm Registration Rs. 1999/- Family Business No Low Subject to turnover of the firm No Minimal
Public Limited Company Rs. 7999/- Ideal for Medium and Large-Scale business and allows them to raise equity capital from Public. Yes Very High Compulsory Yes Yes

FAQ'S FOR One Person Company Registration

MCA has introduced new process for One Person Company Registration (OPC Registration), Spice+ is integrated web form. Spice+ is a fast track One Person Company Registration (OPC Registration) procedure which enables a single web form for One Person Company Registration (OPC Registration).
Through Spice+ Form, we can register in 10-12 Days.

There is no minimum Capital Contribution requirement for starting OPC Company.

The minimum number of Directors required is one. However, there can be more than one up to 15 Directors.