Increase Authorised Share Capital

A company can expand its business up to the level of authorised capital. If you want to expand your business by infusion of more funds then first you have to increase your authorised capital by following the few steps as mentioned below in the procedure to increase authorised capital.

Procedure for Increase in Authorised Capital:
1. Authorisation must in the Article of Association (AOA)
Before to go for increase of authorised capital, first need to check whether the company AOA contains provision for increase in authorise capital as it is first condition mentioned in the section 61 as we read above also that if it is authorise by the article then only company can increase its authorise capital.

If AOA doesn’t contain the provision for increase in authorised capital, then first we have to alter the articles as per the provision of Section 14 of the Companies Act, 2013 after that we can proceed towards the increase in authorise capital.

2. Calling of Board Meeting of Board of Directors (BOD)
BOD of the company in the board meeting discuss and approve the following:

  • Increase in Authorised Capital of the company subject to the approval of shareholders.
  • Fix Day, Date, Time, & Venue of the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the shareholders to get approval for increase in authorise capital;
  • Approve and issue notice of EGM along with agenda & explanatory statement to all members, directors & auditor of the company.
  • Authorise director or company secretary to issue notice of EGM.

3. Holding of Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM):
Call and hold the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the members on the Day, Date, Time, & Venue as decided by the board of directors in their board meeting and the pass the resolution for increase in authorise capital by passing ordinary resolution.

4. Alteration in Memorandum of Association(MOA):
Alter the Capital clause in the MOA of the Company.

A limited company shall file form SH-7 with the Registrar of Company within the period of period of 30 days of such alteration along with the following attachment:

  • Copy of Board Resolution
  • Copy of EGM Ordinary Resolution
  • Copy of Notice of EGM along with Explanatory Statement
  • Copy of altered MOA

Documents for Increase Authorised Share Capital

COMPARE OPTIONS FOR Increase Authorised Share Capital

FAQ'S FOR Increase Authorised Share Capital