Section 8 Company Registration

In India, there are mainly the following types of non-profit organizations:

Section 8 Company as per Companies Act, 2013 (Section 25 as per Companies Act, 1956)

Societies registered under Section 20 of the Societies Registration Act 1860

Trusts formed under the Indian Trusts Act 1880

However, Section 8 Companies are considered best due to their systematic constitutional framework. The financial statements, directors’ reports, and other important documents of a Section 8 Company are easily available online on public inspection and are, therefore, considered most reliable.

Documents for Section 8 Company Registration

COMPARE OPTIONS FOR Section 8 Company Registration

Rs. 3999/-

FAQ'S FOR Section 8 Company Registration

No, existing Companies can also get converted provided it meets up the compliance norms.

Yes, it is the applicant’s choice to incorporate a Section 8 Company as a private or public limited Company after meeting the compliance requirement i.e. 2 Directors and 2 members in case of private Company and 3 Directors and 7 members in case of public Company. However, One Person Company (OPC) cannot be incorporated as a Section 8 Company as per Rule 3 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014.

No, there is a specific exemption to Section 8 and One Person Company from complying with the Secretarial Standards. However, Companies must adhere to Secretarial standards in order to raise the corporate governance standards.