Company Name Change
The name of any Company is basically the identity of the entire brand making it the most monumental asset for its growth. The name of every Company is mentioned in the first clause of memorandum of association i.e. said to be the constitution of a particular Company. Now, sometimes there might be a situation where the Company intends to change its name clause whatsoever the reason.
Procedure to Change the Name of Company:
1. Convene a Board Meeting
The Company shall hold a Board Meeting to decide upon new name. The board shall consider and finalize the new name of the company subject to the approval by Registrar of companies.
2. Name Availability and its approval
After passing Board Resolution, the next step is to file the application to Registrar of Companies for approval of Name. Law proctor will help you to apply for new name reservation through RUN- Reserve Unique Name service to reserve the name.
3. Convene an Extra – ordinary general meeting
After the approval of Name, the company shall hold an extra ordinary general meeting (EGM) of the members of the company to pass special resolution to approve the change of name of the company and also for approval of alteration in the MOA of the company.
4. Roc Compliance
After passing special resolution in EGM of the Company for change of name of the Company the company shall file two e-forms with the registrar of companies.
First form is e-form MGT-14
within a period of 30 days from the date of passing of special resolution in EGM with Registrar of Companies.
Second form is e-form INC-24
within a period of 30 days (after MGT-14 approved by Registrar of Companies) from the date of passing of special resolution in EGM with Registrar of Companies on MCA portal.