Trademark Registration

A Trademark is a logo or symbol that characterizes your products or services and also differentiates it from other products and services. It not only provides an exclusive right to use the logo but also enjoys the benefits of long-run business establishment brand reputation and goodwill in the market. Trademarks are not registrable If the proposed trademark is similar or identical to the existing trademark. And also it should not be offensive, general, unreliable, etc. Once Trademark Registration is done, you can use TM Word. And after Trademark Registration Approval, you can use R symbol and trademark registration will become valid for the next 10 years.

Documents for Trademark Registration

  • Applicant’s Name, address.
  • Symbol, Logo or the Trademark to be registered
  • Description of the goods or services
  • Conditions of Usages
  • An affidavit, in case TM is already under use.
  • MSME Certificate, in case of SME Enterprises.
  • Power of Attorney in favor of Agent or Attorney

COMPARE OPTIONS FOR Trademark Registration

FAQ'S FOR Trademark Registration

Trademark is a distinguishable logo, slogan, sound, Design, Symbol, Word, Mark, Colour Combination, or Graphics, legally registered for representing an Entity or a Product. It not only provides an exclusive right to use the logo but also enjoys the benefits of long-run business establishment brand reputation and goodwill in the market.

Yes, One can apply for a trademark online before starting of business.

The Registration is valid for 10 years from the date of application and may then be renewed for a period of 10 years within 6 months of the due date of expiry of the 10 years.

Usually, it takes at least 1 to 3 Years for the registration, after which the owner can use (R) symbol beside the TM. However, as soon as the Online TM Application is filled, the applicant can use TM symbol.