Income Tax Filing for Securities Traders
Get your account summary prepared and tax returns filed by Law proctor Experts
Ensure maximum Tax Savings for people having income from trading. Along with this, it also includes hassle-free filing by an expert Professional (CA) who knows the nuances of intraday and F&O trading.
Mis-filing or non-filing can lead to the unnecessary hassle of having to answer IT notices
Services Covered:
- Income tax return for individual trading in derivatives (F&O)
- Income tax return for individuals in intraday trading
- Consolidation of Trading statements across multiple platforms
- Prepare Account Summary – P&L and Balance Sheet (up to 150 entries per year)
- Tax Return Preparation & Filing by Experts Professional (CA)
- Business Hours Professionals (CA) Support – Email and Phone
- Excludes the Tax audit Fees
Who Should Buy:
- Salaried Individual having income or loss from F&O (Future and Options) Trading or intraday equity trading.
- Traders having income or loss from F&O Trading or intraday equity trading.
- Salaried Employees having single or multiple house properties
Documents for Income Tax Filing for Securities Traders
- Form 16 of Your Company
- Additional Form 16
- Form 26AS Tax Credit Statement
- Capital Gain Statement